Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Ok, I am feeling like a little rant today....

I support and applaud all of those that want to go into business for themselves. If someone wants to start offering spray tans GREAT!!!
The problem is that spray tanning is still "new" to many people especially here in Alabama. A totally new experience. When this new experience isn't good they are less likely to try it again.

Back to my point of starting a spray tan business... GET TRAINING!!!!!!! Please don't just buy some equipment, watch a video, and go out and start doing spray tans. Although it looks easy and there are sites designed to make money out of you starting up spray tanning by telling you how easy and fast it is, there is an art to it and technique involved that an experienced spray tanner (whom themselves have been trained and exposed to various situations) can help you to develop. You also need to understand different solutions and what is in those solutions to find the ones that you work best with and give your customers the results they desire.

Training is an investment in your business and yourself. Just like the investment you make to buy your equipment and supplies training is necessary. Your training gives you an edge, a confidence, and if you are good you WILL get returned business, referrels, and more. Thus a return on your investment and your business will grow.

If you decide against this essential part of starting your spray tan business, than you could be left spinning your wheels in the dirt when you don't get returned business and the word of mouth gets out that people should avoid your services due to bad experiences. Think about it, if you have a bad experience with someone your twice as likely to tell someone else about it just like your future customers will be. Don't set yourself back, set yourself apart. You will be out of business before you are even in it.... You also give other spray tanners that are really good a bad name and loose business for them because your customer had their 1st spray tan and it was a bad experience and they decided to never ever try it again. I ask "Why waste your time and money to start an unsuccessful business?"

For all of those who have had bad spray tans and said to yourself "Never again" - please don't think that everyone is the same. Just like hairdressers there are those that are fantastic and those that aren't so good. Seek out the fantastic ones and stay with them.
If you wonder how to find the good ones, its just like any other service... Ask around, do some research, check someone's credibility, check customer feedback if available, and don't just shop on price alone....

Well that is my rant today, and my mini business lesson.
Take care and always Healthy Tanning!
Visit my site at www.sunkissedspray.com!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Extra Sexy for Valentine's Day

How many of you are already planning an "extra-special" date on Valentine's Day? Maybe you are headed out for dinner and movie, maybe your going dancing, maybe your cooking at home. What about afterwards, are you planning on slipping into something sexy? If you are then you NEED to get a spray tan before the "Big Night". Think about it...do you want to look like the person that has been locked in the basement all winter? Trust me, that Twilight pale look isn't easy to pull off when your not sparkly or Edward Cullen. Just take a look at the Victoria Secret catalogue - you won't see any pasty skin in there, those models know that a great spray tan makes all the difference. You don't have to be pasty either... Your skin can shine, glow, and look as fabulous as any of those models in just 15 minutes with a spray tan from Sunkissed Mobile Spray Tan. Plus you will feel fabulous and more confident and that is true sexiness!