Saturday, April 24, 2010

Start off your week with a SunKissed tan

How many of you out there dred Mondays? You don't want to get up, get dressed, and even when you do you really don't want to be at work. Lets face it most of the time after a great weekend of sleeping late, playing outside, and going out with friends Mondays are just hard. You know what will make you want to get up? Getting a Sunkissed Mobile Spray Tan over the weekend. Only takes 10 minutes and is healthy as opposed ot laying out for hours baking your skin (unhealthy). You will look and feel so great that you will be looking to show it off at work. That snotty little co-worker of yours will be jealouse of your beautiful glow, that cute guy in the corner office is going to notice you, and when your boss asks "Hey you look great what did you do?" You can give them a great tip they will appreciate and remember. So kudos to you.

So conquer your next Monday and call me to schedule your appointment.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Always START your vacation with a TAN!

So you are busy planning that beach getaway for the beginning of summer.
The problem?

You work in an office and rarely have time to get outside and get a little sun. You also don't have the time or desire to spend 10-20 minutes of your day at the tanning salon. You have picked out the perfect bathing suit but look like you have been locked in the basement all winter. Oh No!

The Solution?
Take 10 minutes out of your day de-stress and get that perfect color to go with the new bathing suit and look fab on the first day of your vacay instead of the last!

Make your appointment now!


Friday, April 2, 2010


As the weather is getting warmer and warmer, the flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping and low and behold its time for shorts and sundresses again. Now you may have tried to convince yourself with the whole "Twilight" phenomena that pale is the "in" look (and I am not knocking it - I love Twilight too). Let me tell ya ladies now - unless you are pulling off an entire "Goth" look like Abbey in NCIS - you are not rocking hot with pale white legs. I am not by any means saying that you need to darken to the point your skin is indistinguishable from your grandfathers old leather recliner but you will beneift from a nice hint of color that says "Hey look at my fantastic legs!" With a nice spray tan you can do just that and not risk any of the damage or the possible burning from traditional tanning methods. Plus you won't show any evidence (i.e. orange hands and black ankles) associated with using sunless tanning creams. Think about this - how much you spend on your hair, your nails and toenails to look good in those great new sandals, and your new bathing suite that has to be absolutely right on the beach or beside the pool. Now what about the first thing people see- YOUR SKIN! I know you probably spend a good bit on make-up but that is just your face and that is not going to be what people notice on you when you put on that new denim skirt, it will be your legs ladies. Wearing a great sexy tank-top? It will be your shoulders and arms. Make sure the skin that shows glows! A great light tan can even out some of the worst uneven skin tones, can camoflauge those areas you aren't as proud of, and best of all make those summer clothes look fantastic and the colors "pop". You will feel fantastic looking in the mirror, you will be excited to put on your new dress, slip on a little shorter short, to go strapless... You will just feel better. So isn't a 10 minute spray tan worth it?

Love Ya Always!
Sunkissed Mobile Spray Tan